[來源:247phoenixarizona.com] [作者:網(wǎng)站建設(shè)] [日期:18-04-12] [瀏覽次數(shù):]
網(wǎng)站制作方式 Web site making 市場上的主要的網(wǎng)站制作方式一般分為三種,一種是定制站,一種是模板站,還有一種是模塊站。 There are three main ways of making websites in the market: one is customized station, the other is template station, and the other is modular station. 01 01 定制站 Custom station 客戶準備建站資料,包括公司信息,產(chǎn)品信息等資料; The client will prepare the site information, including company information, product information and so on. 建站人員根據(jù)提交的資料進行網(wǎng)站設(shè)計圖設(shè)計,這里需要指出健全完整的建站資料定制出的網(wǎng)站要遠遠優(yōu)于資料不全的網(wǎng)站; The site personnel are designed according to the information submitted, and it is necessary to point out that the complete website of complete station information is far superior to the web site with incomplete data. 客戶對設(shè)計圖進行審核,并確認設(shè)計圖; The client audits the design drawings and confirms the design drawings. 設(shè)計圖確認后,交由網(wǎng)站建設(shè)人員進行網(wǎng)頁的實現(xiàn),即把設(shè)計圖制作成網(wǎng)站,制作出測試站; After the confirmation of the design diagram, the website builders will make the webpage implementation, that is, make the design map into a website and make the test station. 客戶利用測試站上傳剩余產(chǎn)品資料及其他資料,上傳后對網(wǎng)站再次進行審核,無誤后可完成對網(wǎng)站的上線(外貿(mào)網(wǎng)站一般放在國外的服務(wù)器,上線不需要做備案處理,國內(nèi)中文網(wǎng)站需放在國內(nèi)服務(wù)器,必須做備案處理方可上線)。 The customer uses the test station to upload the surplus product information and other information. After uploading, the customer can review the website again. After no error, it can complete the online website (foreign trade web site is generally placed in the foreign server. The line does not need to be put on record handling. The domestic Chinese website needs to be put on the domestic service device. ). 02 02 模板站 Template station 建站公司提供固定模式,固定樣式的多種網(wǎng)站模板; The website provides fixed website and fixed website templates. 客戶根據(jù)自己的喜好選擇模板; Customers choose the template according to their own preferences. 操作模板后臺上傳網(wǎng)站資料; Upload the website data in the background of the operation template. 網(wǎng)站上線。 The web site is online. 03 03 模塊站 Module station 客戶根據(jù)自己的喜好,根據(jù)建站平臺提供的頁面模塊自己拼湊網(wǎng)站; According to their own preferences, customers can make up their own websites according to the page modules provided by the platform. 網(wǎng)站制作完成后,在平臺提供的后臺上傳網(wǎng)站資料。 After the website is finished, upload website information in the background provided by the platform.
