[來源:247phoenixarizona.com] [作者:網(wǎng)站建設(shè)] [日期:17-01-17] [瀏覽次數(shù):]
網(wǎng)站建設(shè)中色彩搭配對網(wǎng)站的重要性,估計沒有什么人會不在乎了,但問其究竟重要在哪兒,大多數(shù)人肯定會認為是美觀,不可否認,在不涉及營銷和推廣宣傳,美觀的確是網(wǎng)站顏色色調(diào),最主要的價值體現(xiàn)了。 Website construction in the colour collocation of the importance of the site, estimated that few people don't care, but asked where its really important, most people will think is beautiful, there is no denying the fact that without getting involved in the marketing and promotion, aesthetics is website color is tonal, the main value.   但如果涉及到營銷和推廣宣傳了?很多關(guān)于顏色和購買習(xí)慣的心理書,作為網(wǎng)絡(luò)營銷人和電商人,該明白和懂的一些關(guān)于顏色的基本規(guī)律,以及這些規(guī)律分別代表什么,能給我們帶來什么幫助和意想不到的收獲。 But if it comes to marketing and promotion? A lot of psychological book about color and buying habits, as the network marketing and the electric businessman, should know and understand some basic rules about the color, and these laws represent what, what can bring us help and unexpected harvest.   1,有將近93%的顧客在接受廣告或選擇和購買的時候,會首先考慮到網(wǎng)站的顏色和外觀。 1, nearly 93% of customers in advertising or choose and buy, will first consider the color and appearance of the site.   這個調(diào)研的意味不僅僅是指網(wǎng)站裝修的要美觀好看,其實最主要的,還是顏色要大氣得體,要讓顧客覺的你這個是正品的,是品牌的,有實力的,有底蘊的。 This means not only refers to the investigation of the site to decorate to beautiful good-looking, in fact the main, or color to the atmosphere, to make the customer feel you this is the real thing, is the brand, powerful, have inside information.   因為在網(wǎng)上,顧客普遍缺乏的是信任,所以我們在第一眼的時候瓦解了顧客的信任,那么對我們的營銷和推廣來說,就贏了第一步。 Because on the Internet, customer is lack of trust, so we in the first time broke the trust of the customer, so for our marketing and promotion, won the first step.   2,有將近85%的顧客表示,在購買產(chǎn)品的時候,顏色是最主要的因素之一。 2, nearly 85% of the customer, said at the time of purchase products, color is one of the most main factor.   這塊兒在電商領(lǐng)域應(yīng)該是很常見的,很好理解的,因為很多顧客就是因為看產(chǎn)品顏色,覺的不錯,才下單購買的。這點 可以在很多賣服飾的產(chǎn)品評價里輕易看到,比如:實物比網(wǎng)站上顏色要深,實物沒網(wǎng)站上好看等等。 產(chǎn)品拍的好不好看另說,最主要的還是產(chǎn)品顏色上的修飾以及與背景顏色搭配起來,帶給顧客的視覺體驗。 This patch should be very common in the field of electricity, is easy to understand, because a lot of customers because of the product color, feel good, to place the order. This can be easily seen in a lot of sell clothing product evaluation, such as: physical than the website color deep, physical didn't web site look good and so on. Product take the look of the other said, the main or modified product color and background color match, to bring customers visual experience.   3,綜合相關(guān)數(shù)據(jù)分析,如果顏色搭配的合理得體,品牌的知名度將會提升80%。 3, based on the analysis of relevant data, if reasonable and decent color is tie-in, brand awareness will increase 80%.   這個可以在眾多的電商網(wǎng)店以及單獨B2C網(wǎng)站上看的出來,如果一個網(wǎng)店或網(wǎng)站,顏色花哨,背景色喧賓奪主,或顏色搭配處理不當(dāng),就算是知名品牌,也會覺的這個網(wǎng)站是不是山寨的,因為視覺顏色上已經(jīng)反映了粗糙和不精細。相反如果是一個小品牌,但它網(wǎng)站和網(wǎng)店的顏色搭配統(tǒng)一,有自己的風(fēng)格,顏色視覺上,細膩而精細,那么就算是一個小品牌,顧客也會懷疑,這個是不是她漏掉的,或是未知的一個知名品牌。 This can be in many store electricity network operators and separate the B2C website, see, if a store or website, color, background color a presumptuous guest usurps the host's role, or colour collocation is improper handling, even well-known brands, will also feel this site is fake, because the visual color has reflected the coarse and fine. Instead if it is a small brand, but its web sites and online stores unified color collocation, have their own style, color vision, is exquisite and delicate, so even a small brand, customers will doubt, this is she missed, or a well-known brand of the unknown.
